As many schools are beginning their new terms, the Death Penalty Information Center is pleased to remind you of our two educational curricula on the death penalty. Our college-level curriculum, Capital Punishment in Context, contains detailed case studies of four individuals who were sentenced to death in the U.S. The curriculum provides a complete narrative of each case, including original resources such as homicide reports, affidavits, and transcripts of testimony from witnesses. The narratives are followed by a discussion of the issues raised by each case, enabling students to research further into a broad variety of topics. Our award-winning high school program, Educational Curriculum on the Death Penalty, includes 10-day lesson plans, interactive maps and exercises, and a presentation of pros and cons on the death penalty for discussion and debate. Our high-school curriculum will soon be available as a free, e‑textbook through the Apple iBook store. Both curricula are widely used by educators across the country in the fields of sociology, civics, criminal justice and many other areas.
(DPIC Posted, August 29, 2012). See Educational Curricula and Student Resources.
Student Research Center
Sep 05, 2012

NEW RESOURCES: DPIC’s Award-Winning Curriculum Now Available as an Apple iBook
Student Research Center
Oct 25, 2011
NEW RESOURCES: DPIC Launches Revised College Curriculum
Student Research Center
Sep 10, 2010